Over the past two days I have spent an hour or so each morning in Chouet landfill. Only two of the
31 colour ringed
Lesser Black-backed Gulls recorded yesterday were new back for the year, but these included
Black 2.C0, which was seen in the landfills around
Madrid, Spain last August. Also seen briefly however was
LBBG Blue DUK, ringed by the Severn Estuary Gull Group at
Stoke Orchard Landfill, Glocs, England on 22/11/08. The only previous sighting of this gull was on the
Isle of May, Scotland in May 2009.
There appeared to be few new arrivals at Chouet today, but I did manage a few more record photos of some of my gulls.
GBBG Yellow 0.CC6 Chouet Landfill 02 April 2011 - PKV
GBBG Yellow 0.CC6 when ringed on Jethou June 2010 - PKV
LBBG Black 2.J5 PKV

LBBG Black 2.L2 PKV
LBBG Black 3.H2 PKV
LBBG Black 2.F6 PKV
GBBG Green J.60 (from Chausey Islands, France) PKV
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