LBBG Blue J0LP Chouet Landfil - PKV
A total of 23 cr LBBGs was recorded this morning, including metal ring Jersey E 7781 (ringed by Jamie Hooper and Catherine Kinnersly on 10 July 1999 on one of the Sark colonies). It is now pairing with one of my cr birds - White 7S2.
LBBG Jersey E 7781 Chouet landfill - PKV
LBBG White 7S2 Chouet landfill - PKV
Another very nice record today was metal ring Jersey E4141, which I ringed as a chick on 10 July 1989 in one of the Sark colonies. I am very pleased to say that it is still going strong and is in fact a male as it was doing its bit today to make sure it raises more young - at 21 years old!
LBBG White 7.T3 Chouet landfill - PKV
What a good new that old gull. In 1988 I was finising my studies at the university. That was old and good times